- Scholarship Schemes (Govt. of Maharashtra)
The students are entitled for scholarship / concession in fees depending upon the category / caste of the candidate and subject to the condition that they should be domicile of the state of Maharashtra and have been admitted through CAP rounds only. (CAP= Centralized Admission Process). Details are given in the table below:
Caste / Category |
Concession in Fees |
Condition |
SC |
100% of the tuition fees |
ST |
100% of the tuition fees |
NT-B |
100% in tuition fees except |
Subject to Annual income limitation as announced. |
100% of the tuition fees |
VJ-A |
100% of the tuition fees |
50% in tuition fees except development fees component. |
OpenEBC |
50% in tuition fees except development fees component. |
Subject to Annual income limitation as announced. |
In case of students admitted through CAP under the categories like SC, NT, VJ, SBC and OBC; the students are not required to make the payment of the amount which is exempted, say for example SC and ST claimant will pay only security deposit and other fees, whereas NT, VJ and SBC category students will pay the development fees in addition to security deposit and the other fees at the time of admission. Students admitted under OBC category will have to pay half of the tuition fees, complete development fees & security deposit and the other fees at the time of admission; however students claiming EBC will be required to pay the full fees at the time of admission. The amount of concession as EBC (Economically Backward Category) will be reimbursed by the respective competent authority, which will be directly deposited in the back account of the student as DBT (Direct Benefit Transfer).
Scholarship for Minority students: The Minority communities identified are Muslim, Christian, Sikh and Jain. Such student who has been admitted through CAP and who belongs to any of the above minority communicates and fulfilling the norms can apply for either State or National Minority Scholarship Schemes. However, these students will not get any kind of concession in fees at the time of admission and will have to make full payment of fees.
- Merit Cum Scholarship Schemes (Education Society, Naigaon (Bz.))
It gives me immense pleasure to inform all the students of B. Tech Food Technology that higher authorities of education society have reviewed the merit cum means scholarship and announced the following amount, which will be applicable from the academic year 2013-14.
Sr. No. |
Rank |
Amount |
1. |
Ist Topper |
Rs 5000 |
2. |
IInd Topper |
Rs. 4000 |
3. |
IIIrd Topper |
Rs. 3000 |
This scholarship will be awarded purely on merit cum means basis, so top three rankers will be selected from each class. These three toppers will be selected on the basis of following criteria's.
Sr. No. |
Criteria |
Marks (%) |
1. |
60 |
2. |
Discipline |
10 |
3. |
Sports |
10 |
4. |
Attendance |
10 |
5. |
Extra curriculum activities |
10 |
Total |
100 |
- Description:
- CGPA: CGPA will be calculated for both the semesters i.e. for entire academic year, students will score the following marks on the basis of CGPA
- CGPA 8.0 and above – 60 marks
- CGPA 7.0 to 7.9 – 50 marks
- CGPA 6.9 and below – 40 marks
- Discipline: Discipline will include wearing uniform, identity card, behaviour, communication with staff members. Discipline will be ranked by scholarship team members as follows
- First rank – 10 marks
- Second rank – 8 marks
- Third rank – 6 marks
- Sports: Student will obtain the following marks on the basis of sports
- Inter university appeared and got medal – 10 marks
- Inter university appeared – 8 marks
- Inter college appeared and got medal – 6 marks
- Inter college appeared – 4 marks
- Attendance: Students will score the following marks based on the attendance
- 90% & above -10 marks
- 85% to 89% - 8 marks
- 84% & below – 6 marks
- Extra curriculum activities : Extra curriculum activities will include the cultural programme, poster presentation, NSS, appearing seminar or conference
- Appeared for above activities & got some award – 10 marks
- Only appeared for above activities – 5 marks
# Rules & Regulations: Students who wish to avail the scholarship must obey the following rules and regulations, if anyone found violating these will be disqualified from the scholarship
- Student should pass all the subjects in the academic year in first attempt only.
- Students must be in uniform and with identity card.
- If any case of misbehaviour, ragging is recorded against the student.
- If any case unfair mean is recorded against the student in the examination.